Clinical psychologyChapter 7Obsessive-compulsive-related and trauma-related disorders OCD is defined by repetitive thoughts and urges (obsessions) as well as an irresistible need to engage in repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions)Body dysmorphic disorder and hoarding disorder have symptoms or repetitive thoughts and behaviors.People with body dysmorphic disorder spend hours a day thinking about their appearance, and almost all engage in compulsive behaviors such as checking their appearance in the mirror.People with hoarding disorder spend a good deal of their time repetitively thinking about their current and potential future possessions. They also engage in intensive efforts to acquire new objects, and these efforts can resemble the compulsions observed in OCD.For all three conditions, the repetitive thoughts and behaviors are distressing, feel uncontrollable, and require a considerable amount of time.For the person with these conditions, the thoughts and behaviors feel unstoppable.These syndromes often co-occur.Clinical descriptions and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive and related disorders Obsessive-compulsive disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by obsessions or compulsions.Obsessions: intrusive and recurring thoughts, images, or impulses that are persistent and uncontrollable and often appear irrational to the person experiencing them.For people with OCD, obsessions have such force and frequency that they interfere with normal activities.People with obsessions may also be prone to extreme doubts, procrastination, and indecision.Compulsions:...

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Abnormal Psychology by Kring, Davison, Neale & Johnson (12th edition) - a summary

Abnormal Psychology by Kring, Davison, Neale & Johnson (12th edition) - a summary


This is a summary of Abnormal Psychology by Kring, Davison, Neale & Johnson. This summary focuses on clincal psychology and mental health. Discussed are etliolgies of disorders and treatments.