Alcohol is the most abused drug in the world. Given the availability and the large percentage of the population that uses it, it is not surprising that alcohol leads to the most common substance abuse disorder.Distillation is a process in which alcohol is separated from other fermentation products by heating it. Although distillation can result in pure ethyl alcohol (ethanol), most spirits contain 40-50 percent alcohol. Alcohol or ethanol is both soluble in water and fat and can easily spread through all cell membranes. Higher alcohol concentrations (stronger drinks) spread faster than lower ones. Ethanol passes the blood-brain barrier quickly, and peaks in plasma concentrations are reached between 30 to 60 minutes. The presence of food in the stomach and intestines slows the distribution of alcohol. The wall of the small intestine absorbs approximately eighty percent and the remainder will be absorbed by the stomach or is almost immediately excreted by perspiration, breathing or urine. Because all tissues, including the placenta, absorb alcohol so easily, a pregnant woman exposes her fetus to blood levels similar to their own.The blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is expressed in the number of grams of alcohol per hundred milliliters of blood. A breath test can immediately determine the BAC by analyzing the breath of an individual. The breath contains alcohol that got into the lungs through the bloodstream. With a BAC of 0.06-0.1 you already have a much higher reaction time, problems with attention, reduced control over movements and significant limitations in cognitive functioning. With a BAC of 0.3-0.39 it becomes already very dangerous and you can get fatal symptoms. Above 0.4 it can be fatal. Alcohol metabolism starts immediately after consumption. Approximately 90-95...

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