Critical thinkingArticle Kan, K., and van der Maas, H. (2010)Intelligentie versus cognitie: tijd voor een (goede) relatie Inter-individual differences: differences between peopleIntra-individual differences: differences within people There are many difference views regarding intelligence. This makes it difficult to pin down what people in psychology call intelligence.Alternative theories In some cases, mutual interactions between populations lead to a situation in which parties take profit of each other.The growth of one population leads the other population to grow. This is mutual.This dynamical interaction is mutualism.As a result of individual differences in limited capacities and as a result of mutualistic interactions between cognitive processes, cognitive processes become correlated in the course of development.The functionally independent cognitive functions within each individual become positively correlated.The functionally independent cognitive functions within each individual become statistical dependent over groups of people.Implications It is possible that the positive cohesion between cognitive abilities is caused by mutualistic interactions that are a result of cognitive development and measurement-problems.It can’t be ruled out that some influences have effect on the development of all (or multiple) cognitive abilities.Intelligence can best be compared with an index of...

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WSRt, critical thinking - a summary of all articles needed in the third block of second year psychology at the uva

WSRt, critical thinking - a summary of all articles needed in the third block of second year psychology at the uva


This is a summary of the articles and reading materials that are needed for the third block in the course WSR-t. This course is given to second year psychology students at the Uva. The course is about thinking critically about scientific research and how such research is done. In total, nine articles are needed. The order in which the articles are shown bellow is the order in which they have been studied in the course.