Social and Organizational PsychologyIBP 2017-2018 Social influenceSocial influence: efforts by one or more people to change the behavior, attitudes, or feelings of one or more othersForms of influence:Conformity ComplianceObedience Unintentional social influenceConformity: efforts to change others’ behavior through norms about how to behave in a given situationFirst systematically studied by Solomon AschFormal: as in speed limits, rules for playing gamesInformal: as in the general rule “ don’t stare at people on an elevator”Cohesiveness: degree of attraction felt by an individual toward some group, group size, and type of social norm operating in that situation Descriptive norms: describe what most people do in a given situation Injunctive norms: specify how people should behave in a given situationMotives to conform:The desire to be liked by others (normative social influence) the desire to be right or accurate (informational social influence)Motives to not conform:Being perceived as being higher in status than those who conformConformity can induce good people to perform bad actions (e.g.: Stanford prison experiment) Compliance: efforts to change others’ behavior through direct requestsFoot-in-the-door technique: presenting target people with a small request and then following up with a larger request Lowball procedure: After the customer accepts the good offer, something happens that makes it necessary for the salesperson to change the deal and make it less advantageous for the customerDoor-in-the-face: starting with a very large request and then, after this is rejected, shift to a smaller requestPlaying hard to get and the deadline technique: based on the principle of scarcity, where what is scarce or hard to obtain is seen as valuable Obedience: following direct orders or commands from others Many people obey orders from authorities, even if these orders require them to do harm (Milgram’s...

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