Education Category: Creative
Ages: 4-8, 8-12
No-Bake Clay
This clay can be rolled, kneaded, and shaped into whatever sculpture
strikes your kid's fancy, and it doesn't need to go into the oven. Brew up a
batch, shape it, and dry overnight. By morning, it's ready for painting.
Perfect for making figures and decorations.
This is arts and crafts at its most flexible.
What You Need:
1 cup corn starch
2 cups baking soda
1 1/4 cups cold water
several bowls
Food coloring
Paper plate
Small towel or cloth
What You Do:
Mix a few drops of food coloring into the water and stir until combined. Then put the water, baking soda,
and cornstarch into a saucepan and cook over medium heat for 3-5 minutes, until the mixture feels like
cooked mashed potatoes. Remove from heat, put it onto a paper plate, and cover with a damp towel
until cool. Repeat this process for any additional colors you'd like to use.
When the mixtures are cool, knead them until the clay feels smooth and pliable. Then cover the kitchen
table with newspaper, sit your child down, and give him a go. Depending on the time of year, he can
sculpt something with a holiday theme (like a snowman, a pumpkin, a ghost, or a flag) or he can just use
his imagination and create something during leisure times (fruit, shapes, a car).
Whatever he creates, let it dry overnight. In the morning, it will be ready for final paint and decorations.
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