Family Drawing (individual - therapeutic activity)

Education Category: Creative
Ages: 0-4, 4-8, 8-12, 12-16, 16+


Donated by Worldsupporter Anouk Spruit

I will sit down with the individual child and the peer educator. I will tell the child I would like to know more about him and the family background. The assignment is to draw his family (including himself) doing something. During the drawing I will do a short interview. I'll use open questions as much as possible to let the child decide what he wants to share. When I feel the child is hesitating to share the information, I will focus on the drawing activity and wait if the child feels more comfortable later on.

Questions being asked:

  • Who is part of your family?
  • What can you tell about your family?
  • What influence has your family on your life?
  • (I'll ask further when the answer is remarkable. Depending on the information the child wants to share, the conversation continues.)

I would like to know more about the family background of the children and the way they perceive the concept 'family'. Because we are drawing while talking, the child is more comfortable and might feel more free to speak out. The drawings can also be used as an diagnostic instrument. The method I am using is a projective test called Kinetic Family Drawing. I have to be careful with interpreting the drawings, but they can give some additional information about the perspective of the child about his family.

Paper, pencil, crayons. Quiet (separated) room and a peer educator who would like to help me with the translation


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